Learn About The Firestryker Technology and Specifications

Firestryker Fire Suppression Stick
Firestryker - Fire Class A
Firestryker - Fire Class B
Firestryker - Fire Class C
Firestryker - Fire Class F

C & F tested and passed to AS/NZS1850, in compliance with AS/NZS1841. 

Safe to use on CLASS A/B/C/F and ELECTRICAL FIRES.
Tested up to 100 kV


✔ No Maintenance

Usable from -96° C to +160° C.

No testing or maintenance needed.



✔ 100 Seconds Of Aerosol Emission

Immediate activation time.

Effective against Class A, B, C, F, and Electrical Fires.


✔ Non-Pressurised

Environmentally safe.

Zero corrosion

Negligible Toxicity


✔ No Maintenance

Usable from -96° C to +160° C.

No testing or maintenance needed.



✔ 100 Seconds Of Aerosol Emission

Immediate activation time.

Effective against Class A, B, C, F, and Electrical Fires.


✔ Non-Pressurised

Environmentally safe.

Zero corrosion

Negligible Toxicity

Firestryker Cannister

Accessory - Waterproof/Dust-proof 4x4 Housing

The Firestryker 4x4 Housing is airtight, waterproof and dust/dirt proof with easy access from both sides of the canister, and can be easily mounted in boats, caravans, cars and trucks.

Ultra Portable & Compact

No Servicing, Refilling or Maintenance

Environmentally Friendly

Can be recycled after use

International Patents

Practical & Easy to Use

3 Year Warranty


Negligible Toxicity

Leaves No Residues

Ultra Portable & Compact

Practical & Easy to Use

No Servicing, Refilling or Maintenance

3 Year Warranty

Environmentally Friendly

Can be recycled after use



Leaves No Residues

International Patents

About Firestryker

Firestryker is a fire suppression system with remarkable extinguishing capabilities and capacity. It is a small lightweight cylinder: the upper part is a metal tube containing the extinguishing charge. The lower part is made of plastic and serves as a support handle.

Upon ignition, the powerful extinguishing charge produces a potassium aerosol jet that lasts for approximately 100 seconds. Point the nozzle at the base of the flames to smother the fire at its core.

Firestryker is a simple and easy way to ensure that you are prepared in the event of a fire in your home, office or vehicle. Small and lightweight, Firestryker is environmentally friendly and can be safely stored for easy access in an emergency, preventing the fire from getting out of hand.

Firestryker - Fire Class A
Firestryker - Fire Class B
Firestryker - Fire Class C
Firestryker - Fire Class F
Firestryker - Fire Class E

Tested for use on:

Solid combustible materials
Liquid combustible materials
Gaseous combustible materials
Cooking & oil fats
Subject to voltages up to 100.000V














About Firestryker

Firestryker is a fire suppression system with remarkable extinguishing capabilities and capacity. It is a small lightweight cylinder: the upper part is a metal tube containing the extinguishing charge. The lower part is made of plastic and serves as a support handle.

Upon ignition, the powerful extinguishing charge produces a potassium aerosol jet that lasts for approximately 100 seconds. Point the nozzle at the base of the flames to smother the fire at its core.

Firestryker is a simple and easy way to ensure that you are prepared in the event of a fire in your home, office or vehicle. Small and lightweight, Firestryker is environmentally friendly and can be safely stored for easy access in an emergency, preventing the fire from getting out of hand.

Tested for use on:

Firestryker - Fire Class A


Solid combustible materials

Firestryker - Fire Class B


Liquid combustible materials

Firestryker - Fire Class C


Gaseous combustible materials

Firestryker - Fire Class F


Cooking & oil fats

Firestryker - Fire Class E


Subject to voltage up to 100.000V















FFS 100 Sec. - Firestryker Fire Suppressor 100 Seconds 


Emission Time: 100 Seconds

Length: 32.8cm

Diameter: 3.3cm

Weight: 365 grams.

Firestryker is economical

  • No servicing, refilling, checks or maintenance.
  • No danger from pressurized containers which can explode or malfunction.
  • Store the Firestryker in an easily accessible place.
  • Point the nozzle at the base of the flames to smother the fire at its core.

Firestryker is a manual, portable aerosol inhibitor with remarkable extinguishing capability. It has very low toxicity and is environmentally safe. The device is a small, compact, lightweight cylinder: the upper part of the device is a metal tube containing the extinguishing charge. The lower part of the device is composed of plastic and serves as a support handle.

The use of a potassium powder jet – a unique method among fire extinguishers – involves
the vaporization of the powder in the environment followed by the condensation of its
extinguishing substance. The product works by interrupting a fire’s chain of reaction (the “auto­catalyst” of the fire). The device is composed of stable, solid minerals; it does not contain gas and is not pressurized. The aerosol­like jet is only produced when the charger is stricken with its base. The produced aerosol jet is essentially an inert salt that emits gas already present in the atmosphere.

This process allows Firestryker to extinguish all types of fires through saturation. Its slow bio­degradation in the environment furthers the prevention of subsequent fires. The extinguishing process involves two different reactions: one is physical and the other, chemical. The physical reaction relates to potassium’s tendency to oxidize rapidly in air. When in contact with air, alkaline salts consume great quantities of oxygen, thus depriving fires of oxygen. The chemical reaction is created through the stable link between potassium particles and the fire’s combustion particles. Through the two reactions, a quick oxidation process takes place, immediately transforming the jet from a solid state into a gaseous state which frees the potassium particles. These atoms are able to intercept and interrupt any other free particles produced by the fire’s chain reaction combustion process. Potassium has strong inhibitor qualities, due to its weak ionization energies. 

Firestryker's potential impact on the environment and on users:

  • ODP Ozone Depletion Potential = zero
  • GWP Global Warming Potential = zero
  • ATL Atmospheric Life Time = zero
  • Electric conductibility: none
  • Activation time: Immediate
  • Electrostatic discharge: non
  • Usability temperature: from ­140º F to +320º F
  • Usability humidity: up to 98% U.R
  • Granulometry: from 2 to 4 microns
  • Corrosiveness: none
  • Steam: none
  • Thermal shock: none
  • Residue after use: negligible
  • Not dangerous to human health
  • Does not produce any “organic accumulation”
  • Negligible toxicity
  • Environmentally safe
  • Commercial warranty: 3 years
  • The device is not pressurized
  • The device does not need to be tested
  • The device is not considered hazardous material
  • The device does not need maintenance

• UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
We are focused on our customers’ expectations.
We shall constantly do our utmost to improve the effectiveness of our quality system towards the following:

  • Optimal implementation of machines
  • Best employment of men, resources and finance
  • Safe working environment
  • Development of reliable suppliers, distributor and vendors for an excellent Quality Assurance


  • Australia & New Zealand, C & F tested and passed to AS/NZS1850, in compliance with AS/NZS1841.
  • Europe, EC Directive 2001/95 dated 3.12.2001 (General Product Safety Directive)
  • Italy, R.I.N.A Homologation (Italian Naval Registry): Extinguishing device for pleasure yacht
  • Switzerland, Swiss TS TUV Technical Services AG Safety & Environmental Technology
  • Germany: BAM- Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung und - prufung: ulassungszeichen (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing)
  • Spain, AFITI - Licos (Asociacion para el Fomento del la Investigacion y la Tecnologia de la Seguridad contra Incendios) - (Centro de Ensayos e Investigacion del Fuego), member of NFPA
  • India - Delhi Fire Services (Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Headquarters)
  • Oman - Royal Oman Police (Directorate General of Civil Defense)
  • South Africa - SAMSA – South African Maritime Safety Authority
  • Slovakia: Swiss TS TUV Technical Services AG Safety & Environmental Technology
  • Zambia, Lusaka City Council Lusaka Fire Brigade
  • Hungary, Certificate of Fire Safety Conformity by NDGDM - National Directorate General for Disaster Management 
  • Republic of Angola - Certificado de Qualidade (Ministerio do Interior - Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil e Bombeiros / Ministry of the Interior - National Civil Protection and Firemen
  • Vietnam - HCMC Police Department of Fire Fighting and Prevention
  • Russian Federation - FIRE SAFETY CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY (Mandatory certification) no. С-IT.ПБ21.В.00724


  • Australia & New Zealand, C & F tested and passed to AS/NZS1850, in compliance with AS/NZS1841.
  • Italy - Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Transporti, Ministry Of Infrastructure and Transportation
  • Italy - Science of Materials Dept. and Chemical Engineering Materials Laboratory, University of Turin (page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4)
  • Spain - AFITI Association for the Promotion of Fire Research and Safety Technology
  • South Africa - SABS test report no. HV/105240 Rated Voltage: 100kV (page 1, page 2, page 3)

Firestryker is an innovative portable extinguishing device with remarkable extinguishing capacity, designed to aid in the suppression of incipient fires and for use as a personal protection device.

Firestryker is a simple and easy way to ensure that you are prepared in the event of a fire in your home, office or vehicle. Small and lightweight, Firestryker is environmentally friendly and can be safely stored for easy access in an emergency, preventing the fire from getting out of hand.

The unit is NOT pressurized prior to activation. When activated, a controlled burning reaction of the solid aerosol forming compound inside the Firestryker converts the solid to an aerosol composed of carrier gases (primarily nitrogen and small amounts of water vapor) and ultra-fine particulate (potassium compounds in the 2/4 micron range).

The compound of the extinguishing charge is made of a mixture of Potassium Nitrate, Dicyandiamide, and an organic binder.

The main component is Potassium Nitrate: when it breaks down in the combustion it forms free radicals of Potassium (K+) which attach themselves to Oxygen (O2) that feeds the fire, thus forming Potassium Oxide (K2O) and interrupting therefore the combustion.

The other components of the compound are inert and non-dangerous, and they resolve in Nitrogen, mostly water vapor and only is a small part Carbon dioxide (1%).

Once polymerized, the extinguishing charge is very stable and it ignites only when it reaches a temperature of 380/400°C. At lower temperatures the extinguishing charge is absolutely inert.

No, the unit remains fully intact and sends out an aerosol stream.

The non-explosiveness of the Firestryker aerosol fire suppressant is officially recognized, value binding, and has a European validity by the Italian Ministerial Decree 04/04/1973 by Homeland Security 557/PAS.7317-XV.J.(3766) (Prevention and monitoring, possession of illegal fireworks and classified as non-exploding), in conformity with Ministerial Decree D.M. 4.4.1973 (G.U. n. 120 dated 10.5.1973) further to the advice by the Advisory Committee for Weapons Control as well as by the Prefecture in Turin, Italy.

The two components necessary for the ignition of the FSS are placed on opposite ends of the device, rendering accidental ignition during transport and storage impossible.

The activation is produced by a lighter made up of two elements, situated on opposite extremes of the product. The potassium based first element is located in the upper extreme of the article; the second element is located in the inner extreme of the article and is composed of a rubbing head situated on the phosphorous based extractable plug: (i.e. the first component, a dry round area, is protected by a protection cap, and is at the top of the product; the second component, inserted as a cap in the handle is a scratchable head piece –igniter- made out of phosphorous).

The aerosol that comes out of the tubular casing, generated by the breakdown of the extinguishing charge containing Potassium Nitrate, reacts with the fire and the flames, the Potassium radicals K+ capture the Oxygen of the combustion, therefore depriving fire from Oxygen and extinguishing it.

At the end of the extinguishing process the following is freed/discharged to the atmosphere:

-As a solid: particles of Potassium (that have reacted with the Oxygen of the fire) having a granulometry between 2/4 microns (these particles are invisible at sight, heavier than air; they disperse in the air and tend to deposit on the ground).

-As a gas: as Nitrogen, an inert gas already present in the air we breathe at more or less 78%.

-As water vapor and in minimum part as Carbon dioxide (1%).

The chemical reaction is well represented by the following graphics:


Stage 1: fire is initiated by the flame chain carriers’ O, H and OH

Stage 2: the aerosol introduces potassium radicals (K) into the flame chain reaction

Stage 3: K radicals attach themselves to O, H and OH and Remove them from the flame reaction without depleting surrounding oxygen.

No, there is no oxygen reduction or depletion. The Firestryker stops fire by interfering with the chemistry underlying fire, not by changing the atmosphere.

The Discharge time is 100 seconds.

Yes. Firestryker has no global warming potential and no ozone depletion potential.

No, maintenance costs related to the aerosol extinguishing devices are none.


  • Normal attention in handling.
  • In case of unintentional activation of the fire suppressant, wait for the complete aerosol discharge and ventilate the area.
  • Avoid the direct contact of the product with open flames.
  • Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
  • Store in an environment between -10°C and +80°C (+14°F and +176°F).
  • Avoid shock, electric currents, static discharge, excessive heat and extended periods of storage at temperature greater than 65° C.
  • Packaging in cardboard boxes; do not pile the boxes higher than 2 mt.
  • Medical attention is unnecessary.

Product Description

Firestryker is a manual, portable aerosol inhibitor with remarkable extinguishing capability. It has very low toxicity and is environmentally safe. The device is a small, compact, lightweight cylinder: the upper part of the device is a metal tube containing the extinguishing charge. The lower part of the device is composed of plastic and serves as a support handle.

The use of a potassium powder jet – a unique method among fire extinguishers – involves
the vaporization of the powder in the environment followed by the condensation of its
extinguishing substance. The product works by interrupting a fire’s chain of reaction (the “auto­catalyst” of the fire). The device is composed of stable, solid minerals; it does not contain gas and is not pressurized. The aerosol­like jet is only produced when the charger is stricken with its base. The produced aerosol jet is essentially an inert salt that emits gas already present in the atmosphere.

This process allows Firestryker to extinguish all types of fires through saturation. Its slow bio­degradation in the environment furthers the prevention of subsequent fires. The extinguishing process involves two different reactions: one is physical and the other, chemical. The physical reaction relates to potassium’s tendency to oxidize rapidly in air. When in contact with air, alkaline salts consume great quantities of oxygen, thus depriving fires of oxygen. The chemical reaction is created through the stable link between potassium particles and the fire’s combustion particles. Through the two reactions, a quick oxidation process takes place, immediately transforming the jet from a solid state into a gaseous state which frees the potassium particles. These atoms are able to intercept and interrupt any other free particles produced by the fire’s chain reaction combustion process. Potassium has strong inhibitor qualities, due to its weak ionization energies. 

Firestryker's potential impact on the environment and on users:

  • ODP Ozone Depletion Potential = zero
  • GWP Global Warming Potential = zero
  • ATL Atmospheric Life Time = zero
  • Electric conductibility: none
  • Activation time: Immediate
  • Electrostatic discharge: non
  • Usability temperature: from ­140º F to +320º F
  • Usability humidity: up to 98% U.R
  • Granulometry: from 2 to 4 microns
  • Corrosiveness: none
  • Steam: none
  • Thermal shock: none
  • Residue after use: negligible
  • Not dangerous to human health
  • Does not produce any “organic accumulation”
  • Negligible toxicity
  • Environmentally safe
  • Commercial warranty: 3 years
  • The device is not pressurized
  • The device does not need to be tested
  • The device is not considered hazardous material
  • The device does not need maintenance

Certifications & Test Reports

• UNI EN ISO 9001:2015
We are focused on our customers’ expectations.
We shall constantly do our utmost to improve the effectiveness of our quality system towards the following:

  • Optimal implementation of machines
  • Best employment of men, resources and finance
  • Safe working environment
  • Development of reliable suppliers, distributor and vendors for an excellent Quality Assurance


  • Australia & New Zealand, C & F tested and passed to AS/NZS1850, in compliance with AS/NZS1841.
  • Europe, EC Directive 2001/95 dated 3.12.2001 (General Product Safety Directive)
  • Italy, R.I.N.A Homologation (Italian Naval Registry): Extinguishing device for pleasure yacht
  • Switzerland, Swiss TS TUV Technical Services AG Safety & Environmental Technology
  • Germany: BAM- Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung und - prufung: ulassungszeichen (Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing)
  • Spain, AFITI - Licos (Asociacion para el Fomento del la Investigacion y la Tecnologia de la Seguridad contra Incendios) - (Centro de Ensayos e Investigacion del Fuego), member of NFPA
  • India - Delhi Fire Services (Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi Headquarters)
  • Oman - Royal Oman Police (Directorate General of Civil Defense)
  • South Africa - SAMSA – South African Maritime Safety Authority
  • Slovakia: Swiss TS TUV Technical Services AG Safety & Environmental Technology
  • Zambia, Lusaka City Council Lusaka Fire Brigade
  • Hungary, Certificate of Fire Safety Conformity by NDGDM - National Directorate General for Disaster Management 
  • Republic of Angola - Certificado de Qualidade (Ministerio do Interior - Serviço Nacional de Protecção Civil e Bombeiros / Ministry of the Interior - National Civil Protection and Firemen
  • Vietnam - HCMC Police Department of Fire Fighting and Prevention
  • Russian Federation - FIRE SAFETY CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY (Mandatory certification) no. С-IT.ПБ21.В.00724


  • Australia & New Zealand, C & F tested and passed to AS/NZS1850, in compliance with AS/NZS1841.
  • Italy - Ministero delle Infrastrutture e dei Transporti, Ministry Of Infrastructure and Transportation
  • Italy - Science of Materials Dept. and Chemical Engineering Materials Laboratory, University of Turin (page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4)
  • Spain - AFITI Association for the Promotion of Fire Research and Safety Technology
  • South Africa - SABS test report no. HV/105240 Rated Voltage: 100kV (page 1, page 2, page 3)


Firestryker is an innovative portable extinguishing device with remarkable extinguishing capacity, designed to aid in the suppression of incipient fires and for use as a personal protection device.

Firestryker is a simple and easy way to ensure that you are prepared in the event of a fire in your home, office or vehicle. Small and lightweight, Firestryker is environmentally friendly and can be safely stored for easy access in an emergency, preventing the fire from getting out of hand.

The unit is NOT pressurized prior to activation. When activated, a controlled burning reaction of the solid aerosol forming compound inside the Firestryker converts the solid to an aerosol composed of carrier gases (primarily nitrogen and small amounts of water vapor) and ultra-fine particulate (potassium compounds in the 2/4 micron range).

The compound of the extinguishing charge is made of a mixture of Potassium Nitrate, Dicyandiamide, and an organic binder.

The main component is Potassium Nitrate: when it breaks down in the combustion it forms free radicals of Potassium (K+) which attach themselves to Oxygen (O2) that feeds the fire, thus forming Potassium Oxide (K2O) and interrupting therefore the combustion.

The other components of the compound are inert and non-dangerous, and they resolve in Nitrogen, mostly water vapor and only is a small part Carbon dioxide (1%).

Once polymerized, the extinguishing charge is very stable and it ignites only when it reaches a temperature of 380/400°C. At lower temperatures the extinguishing charge is absolutely inert.

No, the unit remains fully intact and sends out an aerosol stream.

The non-explosiveness of the Firestryker aerosol fire suppressant is officially recognized, value binding, and has a European validity by the Italian Ministerial Decree 04/04/1973 by Homeland Security 557/PAS.7317-XV.J.(3766) (Prevention and monitoring, possession of illegal fireworks and classified as non-exploding), in conformity with Ministerial Decree D.M. 4.4.1973 (G.U. n. 120 dated 10.5.1973) further to the advice by the Advisory Committee for Weapons Control as well as by the Prefecture in Turin, Italy.

The two components necessary for the ignition of the FSS are placed on opposite ends of the device, rendering accidental ignition during transport and storage impossible.

The activation is produced by a lighter made up of two elements, situated on opposite extremes of the product. The potassium based first element is located in the upper extreme of the article; the second element is located in the inner extreme of the article and is composed of a rubbing head situated on the phosphorous based extractable plug: (i.e. the first component, a dry round area, is protected by a protection cap, and is at the top of the product; the second component, inserted as a cap in the handle is a scratchable head piece –igniter- made out of phosphorous).

The aerosol that comes out of the tubular casing, generated by the breakdown of the extinguishing charge containing Potassium Nitrate, reacts with the fire and the flames, the Potassium radicals K+ capture the Oxygen of the combustion, therefore depriving fire from Oxygen and extinguishing it.

At the end of the extinguishing process the following is freed/discharged to the atmosphere:

-As a solid: particles of Potassium (that have reacted with the Oxygen of the fire) having a granulometry between 2/4 microns (these particles are invisible at sight, heavier than air; they disperse in the air and tend to deposit on the ground).

-As a gas: as Nitrogen, an inert gas already present in the air we breathe at more or less 78%.

-As water vapor and in minimum part as Carbon dioxide (1%).

The chemical reaction is well represented by the following graphics:


Stage 1: fire is initiated by the flame chain carriers’ O, H and OH

Stage 2: the aerosol introduces potassium radicals (K) into the flame chain reaction

Stage 3: K radicals attach themselves to O, H and OH and Remove them from the flame reaction without depleting surrounding oxygen.

No, there is no oxygen reduction or depletion. The Firestryker stops fire by interfering with the chemistry underlying fire, not by changing the atmosphere.

The Discharge time is 100 seconds.

Yes. Firestryker has no global warming potential and no ozone depletion potential.

No, maintenance costs related to the aerosol extinguishing devices are none.

Extra Information


  • Normal attention in handling.
  • In case of unintentional activation of the fire suppressant, wait for the complete aerosol discharge and ventilate the area.
  • Avoid the direct contact of the product with open flames.
  • Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities:
  • Store in an environment between -10°C and +80°C (+14°F and +176°F).
  • Avoid shock, electric currents, static discharge, excessive heat and extended periods of storage at temperature greater than 65° C.
  • Packaging in cardboard boxes; do not pile the boxes higher than 2 mt.
  • Medical attention is unnecessary.

Use Instructions

Firestryker User Instructions

Hold by the handle, remove and discard the upper pack

Firestryker User Instructions

Remove the bottom end cap from the lower part of the handle

Firestryker User Instructions

With the bottom end cap strike the black tip to ignite

Firestryker User Instructions

Point the aerosol jet towards the bottom of the flames

Firestryker User Instructions

Hold by the handle, remove and discard the upper pack

Firestryker User Instructions

Remove the bottom end cap from the lower part of the handle

Firestryker User Instructions

With the bottom end cap strike the black tip to ignite

Firestryker User Instructions

Point the aerosol jet towards the bottom of the flames

Videos & Demos

See Firestryker in action!

Vehicle Fire

This shows a civilian putting out a vehicle fire with Firestryker 

Gasoline Fire

Class B.

Fast-acting extinguishing of gasoline fires.

Long running time allows for extended use.

Firestryker Combats Multiple Fire Types

Watch as a Firestryker extinguishes 3 types of fires with ease. Fat, cloth and fuel.

Videos & Demos

See Firestryker in action!

Vehicle Fire

This shows a civilian putting out a vehicle fire with Firestryker 

Gasoline Fire

Class B.

Fast-acting extinguishing of gasoline fires.

Long running time allows for extended use.

Firestryker Combats Multiple Fire Types

Watch as a Firestryker extinguishes 3 types of fires with ease. Fat, cloth and fuel.

Jay Leno's Garage


Order Your Firestryker Now!

Proudly Sold in ARB stores Australia-wide